Four generations elaborating quality
HECTOR MARTINEZ AND SONS since 1934, is dedicated to the manufacture of blades for leather industry, that Argentina became the first company, succeeding more than four generations. And today, thanks to a new generation developing allows positioning the company at the height of the largest world competitions and can supply the domestic and international markets, serious and responsible manner.
Our blades are made in patterns of identical characteristics to the cylinders used in machines and fleshing, achieving uniform throughout the range of steps that we have in our production line accuracy.
Modernization and incorporation of instruments used in the measurement and control of our blades, always aimed at minimizing uncertainties, enable us to deliver product to meet the needs of different markets demand, and in turn, make a product regular and uniform to facilitate the task of the place.
Contact Us!
Phone: (54-11) 4207-4724 / 4227-0472 // Mail:
Hector Martinez e Hijos
Gdor. Alberto Barceló 774/778
Villa Domínico, B1874DBP
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(54-11) 4207-4724 / 4227-0472